Anna Beata Háblová is a writer, poet, poetry slammer, architect and urban planner. Her published collections of poetry are Floes / Kry (2013), Grooves / Rýhy (2015), Do Not Turn Off / Nevypínejte (2018) and Don’t Tell Anyone about My Addiction / O mé závislosti nikomu neříkej (2020). Her popular science work Cities of Walls / Města zdí, about the history of the shopping mall and how to make sense of its relationship to the city, appeared in 2017. Her subsequent work Non-places in Cities / Nemísta měst (2019) is part-academic study, part-fiction; it explores neglected, forgotten and transitory spaces. Her reviews of architecture have been broadcast on Czech Radio for several years. She also works on the Czech Television programme ArtZóna.