
Petra Soukupová
  • prose writer and script writer
  • author of eight books of fiction for adults, and four books for children
  • more than 220,000 copies of her books sold in the Czech Republic alone

Petra Soukupová´s books have been published in sixteen languages: Albanian, Arabian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Danish, German, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Macedonian, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Vietnamese, with the rights sold to two more countries: Lithuania, and Switzerland (French world rights).

Feature-film adaptation of her short story Na krátko / Short Cut from the book Zmizet / To Dissapear was premiered in May 2018.

Petra Soukupová received the following awards for her books:

K moři / To the Seaside  — Jiří Orten Prize, shortlisted for Magnesia Litera Prize for Prose, Josef Škvorecký Prize (all 2008) • Zmizet / To Disappear  — Magnesia Litera Book of the Year, shortlisted for Josef Škvorecký Prize (both 2010) • Kdo zabil Snížka? / Who Killed Snowy? —  shortlisted for Golden Ribbon 2018 in two categories and for Magnesia Litera in Children's book category • Nejlepší pro všechny / Best for Everybody — shortlisted for Magnesia Litera for Prose 2018 •  Klub divných dětí / Weird Kids' Club — shortlisted for Czech Book Award 2019

Petra Soukupová also received two important domestic prizes for her film scripts.
