Hadj Moussa

Iva Hadj Moussa
  • prose writer and screenwriter

Iva Hadj Moussa is a gra­duate in Psychology from Masaryk University in Brno. In addition to her most successful novel so far, The Havíř House / Havířovina (2022), she is the author of several other fiction books, e.g. a humorous novel A Šalina Named Desire / Šalina do stanice touha (2020) or the novel A Demon from a Housing Estate / Démon ze sídliště (2021), which deals with growing up in a small town. In 2024, her novel about life's missteps, music, and clashes between boomers and the younger generations Heavy Souls / Těžké duše was published.

She works as a psychotherapist for children and young people and writes advertising copy.
