Magnesia Litera 2020 - Good prospects for Jiří Kratochvil and Jan Němec

Magnesia Litera 2020 - Good prospects for Jiří Kratochvil and Jan Němec

Two titles by authors from our agency have been nominated for the Czech fiction category, the most popular one in this year’s Magnesia Litera awards. 

The novel Liška v dámu / Fox into Lady by Jiří Kratochvil is the author’s fourth book pitching for the domestic fiction award, following Herec / Actor, nominated for 2007, Kruhová leč / Circular-Drive Hunt (2012) and Dobrou noc, sladké sny / Good Night, Sweet Dreams (2013).

After two nominations for this works’ graphic design, this is the third nomination for a Jan Němec novel Možnosti milostného románu /Ways of Writing about Love. Also noteworthy is this book’s ranking in the Lidové noviny poll.

20. 3. 2020