Longlist for the European Literature Prize 2020 announced in the Netherlands

Longlist for the European Literature Prize 2020 announced in the Netherlands

The European Literature Prize awards the best contemporary European novels published last year in Dutch translation.

The nominated longlist titles have been selected by fifteen bookshops from all over the Netherlands. The prize will be presented for the tenth time in 2020. To add an extra bonus to this anniversary, all the longlisted books will also be read by the student jury this year. Both the regular professional jury and the student jury will choose their own shortlist and the winner. The prize money is € 10,000 for the writer and € 5,000 for the translator of the winning book.

There are twenty novels, translated from ten languages longlisted this year. We are proud to say that among these titles there is also Jiří Kratochvil's novel Truchlivý Bůh / Despondent God published by Kleine Uil in the wonderful translation by Tieske Slim under the title Een bedroefde God.

The European Literature Prize shortlist 2020 will be announced at the end of June in Amsterdam, and the award ceremony will take place on 7th November at the Crossing Border Festival in Hague.

More info in Dutch here:

25. 3. 2020